Saturday, March 17, 2007

we re requred 2 work in pairs and interprete objects of each other comformably 2 personality.

my partner, Keren, chose scissors as her object, 'cuz she feels a bit obsessive 'bout open scissors and it seems 2 her that they can hurt someone.

also, she feels uncomfortable when someone consider that as abnormal, crazy and so on. she s sociable person and she cares 'bout opinions of ppl surrounding her.

imho, that s the object of my work.

as 4 me, Keren has a lovely kind of obsession, which i support by both of my hands. obsession is good and useful, especially 4 artists, designers, musicians, etc :) generally i think that u re free to enjoy yr favorite obsession/mania/phobia/passion/fear/whatever u want in full volume. neigher classmate no neighbour no teacher can dare to tell u that it's abnormal. no one, exept doctors from special committee :)

they r just waitin' 2 consume and destroy all yr personality. shut yr ears and listen 2 yr mind. imagine that you have 6 fingers and understand that u re definately unique. b as mad as u can. smoooooouch!

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