Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ex.4 the core of the exersize to show our 'family' in 3 aspects:
I. 'family' as it is
II. 'family' as it worst
III. 'family' as it best
aaand 2 combine 'em into one panel.

here re my sketches 4 diz project.
imho, the most important point -
unity of forms, rythms, volumes and colors.

we re requred 2 work in pairs and interprete objects of each other comformably 2 personality.

my partner, Keren, chose scissors as her object, 'cuz she feels a bit obsessive 'bout open scissors and it seems 2 her that they can hurt someone.

also, she feels uncomfortable when someone consider that as abnormal, crazy and so on. she s sociable person and she cares 'bout opinions of ppl surrounding her.

imho, that s the object of my work.

as 4 me, Keren has a lovely kind of obsession, which i support by both of my hands. obsession is good and useful, especially 4 artists, designers, musicians, etc :) generally i think that u re free to enjoy yr favorite obsession/mania/phobia/passion/fear/whatever u want in full volume. neigher classmate no neighbour no teacher can dare to tell u that it's abnormal. no one, exept doctors from special committee :)

they r just waitin' 2 consume and destroy all yr personality. shut yr ears and listen 2 yr mind. imagine that you have 6 fingers and understand that u re definately unique. b as mad as u can. smoooooouch!

my attitude to society here:
Ex 2. the newest show 'hidden self' s on-stage.
layers, window frame as yr eyes, reality depends on u only.
new althabet, almost everything is out of yr understanding or acceptance.
raped baloon in aquarium-frame, way of living.
pacifistic intentions of 'cuz, lie and future which doesn' need us.
reincarnation of african demon from my childhood in salty pastery.

imitation of natural invironment. cell. terrible and painful brr!..
4 soft walls like in some nice and expensive private clinic.
poor baloon-4ik too bright and too vulgar the 2nd semester began....
yeah...w/o me 'cuz i succesfully missed 1st ex-size xi-xi.

so i wish myself 2 have tonns of fun,

2 sleep at least 3 hrs per night,

2 eat at least 1 time per day

and 2 go mad as fast as possible diz semester!
